Hello Parents,
Welcome to the Academic Year 2021-22 !
We hope you and your family are safe and in sound health during this unprecedented lockdowon.
We are looking forward to a yet another exciting academic year despite these challenging times.
Please go through the following notes :

Please note :

  • The fee structure, which was notified at the time of admission for the academic year 2021-22, has been revised.
  • We have rolled back the proposed routine hike of 7.25%.
  • The new fee structure for the academic year 2021-22 will be same as that of 2019-20.
  • The option to pay fees from month to month is now available, for the current academic year.
  • School office is open on week days between 9am and 4pm, and closed on Saturdays, Sundays.
  • Online Fees Payment link is now active :
    • Click Here to Pay Fees Now.
    • Username is student's reference number, and passord is surname in capital letters. If there is no surname, use the first name of the student.
    • Reference number is mentioned in the admission fees receipt.
    • If you face any difficulty loggin in, email us on
  • Fees can also be paid by Cash/Cheque/Credit Card/Debit Card by visiting the school office.

The academic year 2021-22 shall start online. Regarding resuming studies in the school premises, subject to government guidelines, we shall update you as soon as a decision is made in this regard.

Click on the appropriate web link below for re-opening dates and details :