Dear Students and Parents,
Greetings !As we move towards the fag end of the Academic Year, I present to you the annual report for the academic year 2023-24.
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character is the true goal of education. We at SVPV try to provide an environment conducive for the student to thrive.
Our results are a testimony of our commitment. March-2023 saw 640 students taking the SSC board exams and our SSC candidates securing 100% result which in itself is no mean feat. Ms Dere Siddhi Nilesh topping the school with 97.80 closely followed by KoKate Tanvi Jagdish with 97.40%.
At the prestigious Homi Bhaba Science Competitive exams, we have a whopping 19 of our youngsters of 9 th grade get selected for round 2. And 4 of our little pupils from 6th grade take the second round. We wish them all the success.
At the Middle School Scholarship Examination Grade 8 - we had six of our students securing scholarships - Saee Khopkar, Anirudh Shetty, VanshikA Sadani, KsHitij Kunder, Pratik Singh, Kushi Lodh.
At the Math Aptitude Exams - Jiya Khant, Preksha Jain, Ayush Shetty topped the exams and moved to round 2.
SOF Olympiad too had Jiya Khant topping the math, English and science exams. Avni Kulkarni of grade 9 was top scorer in English and Science, and Shagun Jha topping in Math and English.
At SVPV it's not all work and no play and sports has been our forte this year too like the previous year it has been a dream run with our Under Fourteen Boys picking up the DSO trophy in Football and Cricket. And Under Seventeen Boys team were first runner-up in Football and Cricket. Not to be out shone were our under seventeen girls who were runners up at the DSO throw ball championship.
Our students have made their school proud with their medal haul of gold medals in various sport disciplines - Badminton, Swimming, Martial Arts, Athletics, Skating, & Kick Boxing. Students have taken to sports in a big way thanks to the support of the parents too.
Our co-curricular Activity list is evidence to our commitment to holistic education be it the field trips and excursions, projects and competitions all are a necessity to adapt to the ever changing world. NEP signifies a transformation step in the educational trajectory of the nation. The policy places renewed emphasis on holistic learning, digital literacy, skill development focussing on critical thinking.
At this juncture I would like to take this opportunity to applaud and congratulate our management for their new venture of the CBSE branch at Mira road to be thrown open in the upcoming Academic Year. Wishing them the very best for this latest venture.
Thankyou and God bless you.
Warm regards,
Marjorie AugustineHeadmistress
Secondary Section
from the desk of the HM
Dear Students and Parents,
Greetings of the season!The end of the first term is a milestone in the school calendar of a student. The planned academic schedule focuses on both formal and informal learning which is the need of the hour. Parents have been timely intimated about excursions/field trips & projects which are part of the learning process. And we are happy that parents are warming up to these concepts.
Physical exercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Team sports teach adolescents accountability, dedication, leadership teamwork, and problem solving skills. In this regard sports has been a hallmark of our institution, we are proud of our students' achievement in various disciplines of sports- swimming, karate, badminton, athletics, Throwball, Football & Cricket. Our boys are undisputed DSO champions in the last two disciplines.
Environmental concerns are real and the more young people are made aware and accountable the better it is for them. We need a safe, healthy, supportive environment for good health. The Nature Club of our school is doing a fabulous job in creating awareness among peers and the student community through a practical approach by actively taking part in cleanliness drives, clearing a patch of ground for medicinal herbs and venturing on a cyclothon to create awareness among the public. This practical approach has been more impactful and far reaching on the young.
A cause of concern to parents of students who are chronically irregular. They are at serious risk of falling behind in school. Poor attendance can delay social and emotional learning and may prevent the children from reaching key milestones. Parents need to pay heed.
Parents are requested to carefully go through the PDF document on the option for CBSE board- posted in the Google Announcement classroom this will help in making an informed choice.
Wishing our dear Parents and Students a very Happy Safe and Prosperous Dipawali!
Warm regards,
Marjorie AugustineHeadmistress
Secondary Section
Dear Students and Parents,
We have come to the end of a turbulent academic year. Not in our wildest imagination would we have imagined ourselves enduring a pandemic, yet here we are emerging stronger and determined to tide over this crisis. We lost two of our talented teachers to covid 19. Despite all the odds against us, we did succeed in enabling our students' uninterrupted access to learning even with the closure of schools.The school and all the teachers worked tirelessly on adapting to technology to ensure we reach out to our students via the Google classroom and Google Meet. It was tough initially to make the switch over to digital learning but our teachers rose to the challenge and managed to give our students a wonderful online learning experience and also the much-needed routine that is so important for the student. With the end of the pandemic nowhere in clear sight, we plan to continue to use Google classroom and Google Meet in the new academic year till we get permission to restart regular school.
We have observed many hurdles in the past year and will be enforcing new guidelines for a more streamlined online education.
- Camera is a MUST. All cellphones and laptops have cameras, if your desktop does not have a camera ensure that you purchase one.
- Cameras have to be on at all times. No attendance will not be considered if the camera is off.
- Proper Wifi connection is a requisite with Hot-Spot as a backup.
- Exams forms will not accept late submissions.
- Uniform: Students have to wear the school uniform for online classes.
- Students would have to update their display picture/icon with their front-face profile.
The Mental Wellness of our children is of utmost importance, especially in such difficult times. We as adults have our coping mechanisms however it is a very difficult period for the child who finds himself confined to the house, no active sports or outdoor activity. Moreover, the child is constantly bombarded with negative news from media or adult conversations. Let us try to be kind and compassionate towards them, talk to them or listen to them express themselves. Encourage the reading habit also involve them in household chores. Urban Green is also a wonderful way to get them to do their bit for the environment.
l leave you with this quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow."
- Online class to begin on 14th June 2021.
- Look out for our further updates on our school website.
Warm regards,
Marjorie AugustineHeadmistress
Secondary Section
A warm welcome to the new academic year 2020-21.
I know it seems rather strange to address and welcome you thus when we are still under the lockdown and in our homes, facing the covid-19 global pandemic situation, trying to cope with this situation.
The good news is that education does not have to be abandoned. Technology has revolutionized the way we can still continue the teaching learning process safely from our homes till our students and teachers can be back in their classrooms.
We at SVPV have always embraced technology and used it to the advantage of both the student and the teacher.
We shall shortly be commencing our online learning through Google Classroom and Google Meet.This online venture cannot replace the real classroom experience but Google Classroom is the next best to offline learning and will definitely help restart and enhance the teaching learning process while our students are still at home.
The online classes will be first launched for class 10 on the 4th of June 2020 and in a phased manner for the remaining classes of Secondary Section. As mentioned on our website, students will have to login with their email ID. Other details are available on our website. SSC students should view this document to login to their respective Google classroom.
Guidelines for parents and students:
- Parents are requested to ensure that their ward is on time for online class.
- Students are advised to be seated in a study zone at home created for the purpose, so they can concentrate better.
- Use of headphones by students is recommended.
- Pupils must always keep a notepad and pen with them to take notes.
- Online Assignments given must be completed and submitted on time while the written assignments will have to be submitted to the teacher when the student is back to school as these will be marked for internal assessment.
- Some of our students might experience connectivity issues at times but there is no reason to panic or be upset but learn to overcome the same.
- Looking forward to engaging with our students to this new normal experience of online learning. Stay safe! Stay Blessed.
On a separate note, those parents who wish their ward to opt for Sanskrit subject in standard 8, should submit their application addressed to the HM before 10th June 2020. Parents may send their application by email to No requests will be entertained after 10-6-2020.
Looking forward to an exciting and enriching learning experience for our students in the academic year 2020-21.
Look out for our further updates on our school website.Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
Secondary Section
It feels very strange addressing you under these unusual circumstances We had so meticulously planned the academic year 2019-20 the curriculum and co-curricular activities, sports and annuals, Saturday activity and hobby classes and all went according to plan, when all of sudden the covid-19 pandemic took center stage in our lives with all the rest of our plans tossed in the wind. Exams cancelled, summer camp activities put aside, Holiday plans disrupted. As we grapple with the lockdown situation and face challenging times.
One of the biggest challenge for parents under lockdown period is to keep the kids engaged and feeling upbeat. We are all in an unfamiliar situation and have no clue of how to deal with it.And while we think that the children are largely oblivious to the gravity of Covid-19 Pandemic, we may be wrong which is why the focus of parents should not only be on keeping kids engaged and motivated but also to keep them happy and focus on their mental wellness amidst rising anxiety and isolation. Our kids are just as scared as we are right now. They not only can hear everything that is going on around them but they feel constant tension and anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. Although the idea of being off of school for weeks sounds awesome….. The reality of being trapped at home and not seeing their friends is difficult on them. Over the coming weeks, you might observe behavior issues with kids. Whether it is anxiety, anger, protest, it will happen and under the present circumstances, it is normal and expected. What kids need right now is to feel comfortable and loved. To reassure them, that it is all going to be fine. At times it can feel we are going through this alone but we are not, we are all in this Pandemic situation together, separated in our houses but all together and that’s how we get through this……..together!!
Just keep breathing!
On the school front, we have been constantly updating our website and keeping you posted our on school related matters. We have offered our children wonderful web links for all ages and diverse subjects. Sincerely hope our students have been engaging in all our Online learning activities and persuing leisure reading. The Maharashtra state board has provided small and fast Android app for students to download books for all subjects.
Our philosophy has always been child centric and we shall continue in our pursuit of excellence in education. Our promise is to deliver value and quality education that will ensure the holistic development of the child and a love and appreciation of our Indian culture and heritage. I look forward to your wholehearted cooperation in this endeavor. Wish you all a safe and relaxed Summer vacation!!
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
Secondary Section
Warm greetings!
I am sure you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday and are now looking forward to an exciting academic year ahead.
We at SVPV are working hard every day to give our students a top of the line education. It is with great pleasure and humility that I look forward to serving each one of you. We are sure to have a spectacular school year. When each one of us unite around our shared goals of an all-round development of the child.
On the academic year front, I must share with you our goal of successfully enhancing the teaching learning experiences through our collaboration with educational initiatives (EI) for the past seven years, we have benefitted hugely on improving our evaluation techniques, up grading of content and remediation particularly in science and math and now it’s time to move on as I feel we have out grown the product and wish to engage with new direction the field of education.
Std VI to VIII :
For the year 2019-20 we shall discontinue with CCE (DAP) for std 6 to 8 and revert to regular unit test and semester examination pattern for all the right reasons as discuss with PTA. Details shall be shared soon. On the Co-curricular page, we have a plethora of activities and competitions scheduled and parents are requested to encourage your ward to make good of the opportunities provided to give your ward the right exposure for his innate talent. Our USP is sport and engaging in one sport of the child’s choice should be mandatory as it channelizes the child’s boundless energy in the right direction and also provides the right amount of exercise for our millennium who otherwise is slave to technology. Our excellent sport coaches for cricket football and throw ball is a bonus.
We plan on introducing music and dance classes on weekends, musical instrument coaching in keyboard (Casio), guitar, and drums are on the avail. Indian classical, Bharatnatyam and western hip-hop shall also be conducted by experts in their field.
We know how important your children are and we do all that we can to educate them in a creative and nurturing environment where only the sky is the limit. We are building tomorrow’s future. Our teachers and faculty work to ensure your child is prepared for the world of tomorrow. Looking forward to an exciting and enriching school experience for our students in the academic year 2019-20.
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
Warm greetings!
As the first semester is coming to an end, let me brief you that, on academic front, we have been working on planning, execution, follow up and remediation. To some extent, we have managed the first two aspects but follow up and remediation is yet to see fruition. This will require active collaboration of students, teachers and parents. Regular supervision to a large extent brings desired results. Parents are also advised to recognize and encourage the child’s innate talents be it music, the arts, sports etc. These areas must not be neglected or ignored in the pursuit of academic goals, instead we must nurture these talents and allow the child to reach his/her potential as it works wonders on the child’s wellness and confidence.
- Orientation talk on Food and Nutrition for sports students saw a full house of parents which is highly appreciated. We must encourage our sports talent and your active involvement will act as a catalyst to your child’s progress and achievements.
- The Measles and Rubella orientation for parents saw a decent turn out of parents attendance the vaccine schedule and consent form will be given in due time. The first PTA meeting scheduled in September was a healthy interactive session between faculty and parents and it was agreed upon that, concerns must be addressed to parents to ensure desired results. The concerns address were:
- Poor organization skills.
- Lack of punctuality and irregularity among pupils.
- Poor eating habits.
- Use of abusive language.
- Faded/Shabby uniforms.
Diwali the festival of light is just round the corner. Here’s wishing all our children and parents a happy, safe and prosperous Diwali!
Please note :
- Kindly note school reopens on 19th November 2018 and not on 21st
- November 2018 as mentioned in the timetable.
- English holiday assignments given to pupils to be submitted on 19th November 2018.
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth.
Dear parents,
Warm greetings!
Welcome dear Parents and students to the academic year 2017-18.
We are extremely happy and proud to announce our SSC Results. As in the previous years this year too we have secured 100% results!
We have 42 of our students in the 90’s club. This is indeed a feat. And I congratulate all our standard 10th students for this fantastic result. I also would like to credit my fantastic staff for their pains taking efforts all-round the year.
This year we plan on having an open house on the 17th of June 2017 “Meet the teacher”. No exam papers to be seen. Just get to know the staff and understand the school system to help your ward settle in comfortably into the new academic year. This is for class 6th to 9th std.
For class 6 pupils coming in from the afternoon section, the orientation for parents is planned on the same day. It is mandatory for at least 1 parent to attend the session. Timings are mentioned in your ward’s calendar. Kindly ensure you are on time for the 30 min session. It’s pointless when you walk-in midway. The motive here is to create a good channel of communication between you and the school.
An appeal to parents!
All school students using private transport should halt their vehicle away from the school gates to avoid traffic jam and facilitate smooth movement of traffic. Looking forward to an exciting and enriching school experience for our students.
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
We have come to the end of yet another eventful academic year 2016-17 and you and your wards are now looking forward to a well-deserved break. I take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable and relaxing vacation.
A few things to inform you about the new term:
- NEW OXFORD MODERN ENGLISH (NOME) reader shall replace Gulmohar reader. The new reader has an areal app which helps the child develop listening skills and correct pronunciation. It must be used effectively to better English language skills.
- Detailed Assessment Programme (DAP) has been successfully functional for the past five years. The evaluation system has enhanced the teaching learning process. And after careful consideration, we plan to now introduce DAP English this new academic year albeit with a difference. There will be only two rounds of DAP English and two rounds of paper pen tests in each Semester at no additional cost to the parents.
- RESULT DAY : 28th April 2017 Timings : 8 am to 9 am Kindly keep to the schedule Book list and class photograph available with class teacher.
- Standard 9 th and 10th : 8th JUNE
- Standard 7 th and 8th : 9th JUNE
- Standard 6 th : 12th JUNE
- Reminder : The school library is open from 11th April’17 to 28th April’17. Do make the most use of this facility.
Marjorie Augustine
It’s been a fantastic year for sports enthusiasts at SVPV this year with most of our teams winning the finals!
- Our under-14 boys won the DSO CRICKET championship !
- Our under-16 girls won the DSO THROW BALL championship !
- Our under-16 boys FOOTBALL team won the Subroto trophy.
- And now the icing on the cake is this recent win of the under 16 girls’ CRICKET team who lifted the Mumbai Cricket Association organized tournament trophy! Shweta Kalpati, our dashing young captain, has made it all possible despite having a novice team to lead as the std 10 team members are on study leave for the forthcoming board exams.
Three cheers for our dedicated coaches.
Long live sports at SVPV !
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
Dear parents,
I felt the need to communicate with all of you with regard to the concern you have expressed with regarding the base line tests. And I definitely
understand your concern.
The baseline tests are a set of three exams set by the state board of Maharashtra to determine the standard of math and English of students from grade 2 to grade 8′ in schools all over Maharashtra.
These baseline tests are scheduled in July, October, and April every year.
In fact it is a good endeavour by the state board to determine the standard of math and English and ensure timely remediation. The only problem that these
exams have caused is the scheduling of the same as they clash with our semester examination dates which has caused a bit of an anxiety among parents.
I believe exams are meant to evaluate the teaching-learning process and not to create stress among our children. So we have not conducted both the exams
on the same day(baseline and semester) like most schools have. Instead we have conducted both the tests but on different days, to ensure that along with
the baseline tests, the semester paper is also scheduled on a convenient day for the child and justice is done to child who has been preparing for the
I sincerely hope I have clarified the doubts regarding the baseline tests among both parents and children.
Warm regards,
Marjorie Augustine
As educationists and parents, we constantly need to remind ourselves that Education is not Competition but progress, so let’s help our children enjoy the process of learning and focus on their own progress.
Any Concerns ?
The Core Team